Our TeensPLUS programme was created to enhance the lives of young people with disabilities and young carers aged 13 – 25.

We provide activities to do at home and work with schools and youth organisations to arrange funded activities and day trips.

A young carer with her activity hamper smiling at the camera.
A teenage boy watering plants he has grown.

The TeensPLUS Challenge

In 2021, we began the TeensPLUS challenges which were offered to young people with disabilities and young carers across the country and provided activities to try at home. Young people were able to try new things and develop new hobbies.
The challenges are now a regular 3H project and are open to all those with disabilities and young carers aged 13 -25.

Working with other organisations

The Oaks Specialist College

The Oaks College approached 3H for funding at the end of 2020. The funds were to be used to give their drama group a theatre workshop day. Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions the college were not able to visit the Trinity Theatre, Tunbridge Wells until April 2021 but when they did get to visit, it was an amazing experience for all of them!

A group of young adults standing on the stage at the Trinity Theatre.

Young Carer Hampers

Young carer hamper contents

Working with carer organisations

3H supports Young carers working with carer organisations across the UK to provide special hampers full of activities to provide some respite at home.

We are grateful to all small businesses who kindly offer discounts enabling us to support more young carers!
Click below to see these amazing businesses who have been so generous.

We work with organisations and The Cirdan Sailing Trust to provide young people with disabilities and young carers the opportunity to have an active role in a voyage. Each young person is involved in all aspects of running and sailing a majestic old sailing boat cared for and crewed by Cirdan Sailing Trust.

A large sailing boat in full sail.