Holiday Grant Programme

The 3H Foundation assists people with disabilities and their carers, who are on a low income, to enable them to organise a break for themselves in the UK.


The Holiday Grant Programme is now open for 2025 holidays.

A boy and lady on the teacup ride.

Our popular holiday grant programme was set up in 2000 to enable low income families with a disabled member to organise their own holiday in the UK.

Grants are generally awarded of between £250 & £550. The grant is given for the accommodation part of the holiday and is paid directly to the chosen venue.

Carer holiday grants enable carers to have a period of respite away without the person they care for.

A young lady enjoying a hot tub whilst on holiday.

The grant programme is always busy and we try to help as many people as possible. Sometimes our funding is limited and if we are not able to help you at the time you enquire, please check our website frequently to see if we have further funding available.

A man and lady in front of a Christmas tree and fire.
A family on holiday in the sun.
Post Holiday Questionnaire
A smiling guest on a speedboat whilst on a group holiday.


A man and child playing mini golf on holiday wearing rain macs.


A group holiday guest on a high walkway enjoying Go Ape.

Printable Application Form

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