Group Holidays
Our adult group holidays are an opportunity for people with disabilities to have an independent break away from their main support network. All care and support is provided by CQC registered professionals while our guests can enjoy a holiday with like-minded people.
We are also pleased to be able to offer organisations who work with teenagers with disabilities or young carers the opportunity to take a group on unique funded sailing holiday.
This year our adult holidays will be held at Nutley Edge. Originally a working farm, the venue with its charming accommodation set in 11 acres, is located just outside Ashdown Forest, East Sussex.
Guests will stay in the charming two bed cottages or in the 17th Century farmhouse.
We work with The Cirdan Sailing Trust who provide young people with disabilities and young carers the opportunity to have an active role in a voyage. Each young person is involved in all aspects of running and sailing a majestic old sailing boat cared for and crewed by Cirdan Sailing Trust.