Group Holidays for Young People
We are pleased to be able to offer organisations who work with young people with disabilities or young carers the opportunity to take a funded group on holiday.

We work with The Cirdan Sailing Trust who provide young people with disabilities and young carers the opportunity to have an active role in a voyage. Each young person is involved in all aspects of running and sailing a majestic old sailing boat cared for and crewed by Cirdan Sailing Trust.

So far this year the Basingstoke and District Young Carers have been aboard The Queen Galadriel. At the beginning of the Summer school break 10 young carers enjoyed a five day sail around the South Coast. They had the perfect weather for their holiday and experienced dolphins joining them for some of their voyage!
“ We are beyond grateful to The 3H Foundation for providing our Basingstoke & District Young Carers with an incredible sailing respite break aboard The Queen Galadriel. This was an experience they will never forget!

In 2023 we had two sailing holidays aboard the Queen Galadriel. Young Carers Together went on a five day break in July. The adventure was enjoyed by all!
“Thanks… for the brilliant idea of getting this trip together. I expected it to be good but not this good!…” Christoph
“…I came into it thinking it would just be a short break away from home but soon realised that it was more than just that. It was an opportunity to make good friends, learn how to work and function as a team, and to develop skills that may well carry on far into the future…” Toby

At the end of the summer holidays a group of nine young people with disabilities went sailing for four days and once again the adventure made a lasting impression!
“Thank you to all the lovely people on that residential trip! What a fantastic adventure! Ethan had a time of his life! He is hoping that there be another sailing trip! He had amazing time! Thank you!”
“What a terrific trip Robbie was very excited about it all when he got home. Thanks so much everyone … just wonderful and a great adventure for the end of the summer. Xxxx”

In 2022 a group of 12 young people from The Oaks Specialist College boarded the Queen Galadriel for a week on the south coast.
The voyage built resilience, enhanced social skills and increased confidence. “We learnt skills for life such as teamwork, empathy, independence, confidence, leadership . . .”
“I think the greatest aspect was that they were not given any special dispensation for their needs unnecessarily and as a result they achieved far greater things than they could ever imagine.
You have facilitated barriers being ripped down and accomplishments being raised as high as the mighty sails!
Keep doing what you are doing as it truly makes a difference – Thank You!” – Jackie
“The words “best trip ever” were used several times throughout our voyage and the laughs we shared will stay with us for a lifetime. Honestly there was not a single moment that we weren’t smiling, laughing and living in the moment.
Thank you again for all the support you gave us to enable us to enjoy and be a part of such a special adventure.”
The Epic Crew of 2022!
The Oaks Specialist College

Working with other organisations The 3H Foundation enables young people to enjoy an adventurous holiday independent of their day to day carers.
If you feel your organisation would be interested in working with The 3H Foundation, please contact us for more information.